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Oven Machine

This machine is located in the chemistry lab which measures thermal resistance of the coating.

The device in consisted of a heater with a capacity of 200 degrees celsius temperature and a timer which is used against the color coating resistance and also heat.

The following description shows how the device works:

First, we set the device temperature to 180 °C and set the timer to 30 minutes.
Then we put  painted plates into the machine and press the start button.
After that we take out the plates and control the softness of the plates to see if the plates are not soft.

The chemistry laboratory is used to phosphate the cylinders, including Tetrasion equipment which measures the density of chemical materials.
The liquid inside the quench device are quench buffer and oxygen absorber which is used to cool the cylinders.
The chemistry Laboratory controls the density of chemical materials in the quench device to control the process of quenching.